Southern Ute Indian Tribe

Emissions Inventory

The Southern Ute Indian Tribe Air Quality Division prepares emissions inventories for air emission sources within the Reservation boundaries. Comprehensive inventories of emissions from all quantifiable point, nonpoint sources, mobile, and fire events are completed every three years and inventories of large point source emissions are completed annually. The most recent emissions inventories are available below.

Comprehensive Emissions Inventories

The Air Quality Division (AQD) completes an EPA Level II comprehensive emission inventory every three years (triennially) and submits the data to the EPA National Emissions Inventory Database (NEI) according to the NEI triennial comprehensive emission inventory submission schedule.  The Air Quality Division completed the first comprehensive emission inventory for calendar year 2015, an off-triennial year of the NEI schedule. The  second comprehensive emission inventory was completed for calendar year 2017 and submitted to the NEI database.  The AQD will continue to prepare a comprehensive emission inventories every three years, with the next comprehensive emission inventory being completed for calendar year 2020. Comprehensive emission inventories contain a detailed account of emissions from the air emission source types described below.

Types of Air Emission Sources

Point Sources
Point sources are larger stationary sources. Emissions are reported on a facility-wide or emission unit basis. Examples of point sources on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation are natural gas compressor, treatment and processing facilities,  and municipal solid waste disposal sites. Point sources are typically permitted through Title V operating permits, Prevention of Significant Deterioration permits and synthetic minor and true minor New Source Review permitting programs.

Nonpoint Sources
Nonpoint sources are a collection of smaller and often similar emission sources. Emissions from nonpoint sources are not quantified on an individual source basis. Emissions from similar emission sources are grouped together and reported as a singular emission source. Examples of nonpoint sources on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation are small natural gas compressor engines, residential heating, agricultural burning, and gas stations.

Mobile Sources
Mobile sources are on-road and nonroad vehicles. Mobile sources include light duty and heavy-duty vehicles, construction equipment, and lawn and garden equipment that use gasoline, diesel, and other fuels.

Event Sources
Event sources include emissions from wildfires and prescribed forest management burns.

Links to the latest comprehensive emissions inventory reports are provided below:

Annual Emissions Inventories

The Air Quality Division compiles annual emissions inventories for every non-triennial years. These emissions inventories include emissions from Title V and Tribal Minor New Source Review Permitted Synthetic Minor point sources operating within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation only. Links to the latest annual emissions inventory reports are provided below:

Emissions Inventory Contact

Matt Wampler, Air Quality Program Manager – Permitting & Regulatory