SU MPF – Youth Easter Craft Day

The Southern Ute Multi-Purpose Facility will be hosting Easter Youth Craft Day on March 30, 2024, for ages 6-17 based on the activities. Younger children are welcome to attend with their parent or grandparent. Any questions please call the MPF at (970) 563-2640.

SUIMA – Book Fair

The Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy will be holding their annual Scholastic Book Fair from April 1-5, 2024 in the SUIMA dining hall. Online shopping is available as well as the convenient, cash-free eWALLET purchase option. If you have any questions, please call the school at 970-563-0253.

SU Utilities – SHUT OFF Day

The Southern Ute Utilities Shut-off Day is on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 10am. All payments need to be received before 10am. If you have questions, please contact the Utilities Office at (970) 563-5500.

SU Education – See’s Candy Fundraiser Event for Oceanside Trip

The Southern Ute Indian Tribe’s Education Department will be taking a group of students to Oceanside CA. at the end of June. The students are hosting an online fund raising to go towards an activity of the student’s choice while we are in CA. Below is the link for the online fund raiser and there […]

SUIMA – Summer Fun Walk

The Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy is hosting a Fun Walk on Friday, April 5, 2024, from 1:10-2:00 on the north side of Tribal Council Chambers. A fundraiser Lemonade Stand will also be available to help with upper elementary students raise money for their end of the year field trip to Denver. If you have […]


The SunUte gymnasium will be closed for public use due to the Diggin’ It Volleyball Tournaments on April 6th-7th. If you are interested in watching, tickets can be purchased at gymnasium entry.