SUBH: Youth DBT Group Therapy

Behavioral Health Therapist, Cedra Etesam will be hosting youth DBT groups on FRIDAYS instead of Wednesdays at the Ignacio Community Library from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Please see attached flyer for additional information or Call Cedra at (970) 563-2297.

SUBH: Adult DBT Group Therapy

Behavioral Health Therapist, Cedra Etesam will be hosting adult DBT groups virtually on FRIDAYS from 2:30-3:30 p.m. For more information and the link, please call Cedra at (970) 563-2297. Please see attached flyer for additional information!

SU Utilities: Shut Off Day Notice

Wednesday, February 5th is shut-off day. Please pay your bill before 10:00 a.m. on this day to avoid any late fees. You can also call the Utilities office at 970-563-5500 with […]

SUBH: Breath & Movement Group

Southern Ute Behavioral Health's Department will be hosting a 6-week Breath & Movement Group. This group will happen on Wednesdays, starting February 5, 2025. SPACE IS LIMITED, 6 spots are […]

SUCCM: Ute Storytelling

Save the Dates for next month's two Ute Storytelling events! Please join the Southern Ute Cultural Center & Museum which will feature traditional Ute and winter themed stories told by […]