SU DSS – Positive Indian Parenting Class

The Southern Ute Division of Social Services is offering Positive Indian Parenting Class during the month of July. This month there is a change to the times we’re offering the class. As requested by the community, we are offering an evening class to working parents, who might not be available during office hours. In July […]

JOM School Supplies Distribution (Bayfield)

The Johnson-O’Malley Committee will be distributing school supplies for all JOM eligible students attending Ignacio and Bayfield School Districts on the following dates: Bayfield School District: Thursday, August 1st Ignacio School District: Thursday, August 8th At the Southern Ute Education Department. Please sign up your student(s) ahead of time for the school supplies by calling […]

SUHC – CLOSED ALL AFTERNOON – 1st Thursday of Each Month

SUHC – CLOSED ALL AFTERNOON – 1st Thursday of Each Month August 1 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm The Southern Ute Health Center will be closed every first Thursday of the month from 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.  All phone calls will be managed by the triage line. If you have any questions, please call the […]

SunUte: FLC Basketball Camp

Eligibility has changed to boys AND girls from grades 3rd-12th grade Hours: Thurs/Frid - 8:30am-11:30am (no lunch, just snacks) Sat/Sun - 8:30am-1:30pm (lunch and snacks provided) What: Youth Basketball Camp Where: FLC – Whalen Gym When: August 1st-4th Time: 8:30-12:30p Age: 3rd-12th grade boys AND girls Who: Open to all Ute TMs, descendants, and community […]


The Southern Ute Culture Center and Museum (SUCCM) will be CLOSED on Saturday, August 3, in preparation for the upcoming Pino Nuche Art Market & Juried Show. We apologize for any inconvenience that follows the closure. Museum business hours will remain unaffected through the week of August 4 – August 11 and will be as […]