SU MPF Sip, Chat, and Chew
February 2204's Sip, Chat, and Chew is sponsored by the Sky Ute Casino and Resort. The dinner is open to all members of the 3 Ute Tribes and their families. […]
February 2204's Sip, Chat, and Chew is sponsored by the Sky Ute Casino and Resort. The dinner is open to all members of the 3 Ute Tribes and their families. […]
Come and try our group exercise classes at SunUte on Saturday Feb. 10 from 10am-2pm. for Body Combat, Body Step, RPM, Body Pump Core, SPRINT, and Body Balance, in that order! It may become your favorite. This class is for everyone! Free for members or $6 for a SunUte Day pass. For more information, please […]
Join the SU Multi-Purpose Facility staff on February 10, 2024, for the Valentine's Day Pow Wow. Gourd Dance is at 3:00 p.m. Dinner Break is at 5:00 p.m. Grandy Entry is at 7:00 p.m. All drums are welcome. There will be raffles, 50/50, Two-Step Contest, Cake Dance, Potato Dance, and Musical Chairs. For more information, […]
Joint the SU Multi-Purpose Facility staff for a day of candy and cookie making with the tribal youth on Sunday February 11, 2024, from 10: 30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Make Super Bowl Treats to share with your family. For youth ages 6-17. Please call (970) 563-2640 to sign-up.
Please join the SU Multi-Purpose Facility staff on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for an elder craft day. Space is limited so please call (970) 563-2640 to sign up or for additional information.
Doors open at the Southern Ute Multi-Purpose Facility at 6:00 p.m. $ 7.00/person or $ 10.00/couple. Concession will be open for dinner at 5:00 p.m. Please call (970) 563-2640 for more information.
The Southern Ute Permanent Fund, Growth Fund, and SUSS offices will be closed on February 16, 2024, in honor of the President's Day holiday. Normal business hours will resume on February 19, 2024.