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Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon week is being recognized nationwide October 23 – 31.  SUIMA is an active participant in the campaign! The official Red Ribbon Campaign Week is October 23-31, 2023.  The […]


2023-2024 SunUte Youth Basketball Registration

IT’S YOUTH BASKETBALL SEASON at SunUte!!!!!  Youth basketball registration opens October 6-November 30, 2023.  Practices begin December 11, 2023.  Games will be held on Saturdays beginning January 6-February 10, 2024.  […]

Pumpkin Splash @ SunUte!

Join SunUte on October 27, 2023, and choose a pumpkin, swim with it and take it home and carve away! The event will be from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.  The cost is $6.00 for non-members of SunUte Community Center.  Please see the flyer for additional details or call (970) 563-2653.